Drought disaster & emergency response team constituted

By Wilson Mulinda Defence Minister AMBROSE LUFUMA has constituted a drought disaster and emergency response team to actualise President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA’s directive to the defence wings to mitigate the drought situation. Mr. LUFUMA has also tasked the Zambia National Service -ZNS- to immediately start preparations for irrigated maize in all farms that have centre pivot

ZNS mealie meal safe – CHINTALA

By Mark Ziligone The Millers Association of Zambia-MAZ- is satisfied that the Eagles Mealie Meal produced by the Zambia National Service –ZNS- has no Genetically Modified Organisms -GMO. MAZ President ANDREW CHINTALA says he is content with the measures that Government has put in place to prevent the offloading of GMO mealie meal on the

ZNS receives kudos

By Mark Ziligone President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has commended the Zambia National Service -ZNS- for its contribution to agriculture and other sectors of national development. President HICHILEMA says the service has exhibited impressive dedication towards the country’s development. The Head of State says the service has also been instrumental in responding to pressing needs of the nation.

Illegally harvested Mukula logs uncovered

By Paul Shalala The Zambia National Service -ZNS- has uncovered a consignment of 5600 logs of illegally harvested Mukula and 78 thousand semi processed Mukula timber in a hidden location. Green Economy and Environment Minister COLLINS NZOVU says the Mukula was uncovered by ZNS officers as they were mopping up illegally harvested Mukula countrywide. Mr.

No cannabis plantation for Kabompo – ZNS

By Lupindula Mwewa The Zambia National Service – ZNS says it will not set up a cannabis plantation in KABOMPO District owing to lack of security personnel in the area. Last year, ZNS announced that it will set up a cannabis plantation in KABOMPO District which was expected to create an estimated one thousand jobs
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