Illegally harvested Mukula logs uncovered

By Paul Shalala

The Zambia National Service -ZNS- has uncovered a consignment of 5600 logs of illegally harvested Mukula and 78 thousand semi processed Mukula timber in a hidden location.

Green Economy and Environment Minister COLLINS NZOVU says the Mukula was uncovered by ZNS officers as they were mopping up illegally harvested Mukula countrywide.

Mr. NZOVU has thanked the ZNS officers for exhibiting patriotism and efficiency by uncovering such a large consignment of Mukula.

Addressing the media in Lusaka today, the Minister said so far about Eleven thousand logs of Mukula have been mopped up by ZNS from six camps.

Mr. NZOVU said due to bad roads and heavy rains in some camps, the pace at which the Mukula is being mopped up is slow hence the extension from November 20 to December 30, 2023.

And ZNS Commander MALITI SOLOCHI has urged the public not to approach ZNS officers for possible purchase of illegally harvested Mukula logs.

Lieutenant General SOLOCHI said the service is only transporting and securing the Mukuka and it is not involved in the selling of the logs.

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