MUNIR, FUBE released from detention

By Hannock Kasama Patriotic Front Chilubi Member of Parliament MULENGA FUBE and LUMEZI Independent parliamentarian MUNIR ZULU have been released after being detained at LUSAKA Magistrate Police Post. The two were detained yesterday and later released following their failure as sureties to produce fugitive former Presidential Political Advisor KAIZER ZULU before LUSAKA Resident Magistrate MUTINTA

MUNIR ZULU arrested for seditious practices

By Brian Mwale Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested Lumezi Member of Parliament MUNIR ZULU for the offence of Seditious Practices. Mr. ZULU 35 is alleged to have uttered Seditious words saying that President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA will dissolve Parliament on Friday, September 8th 2023 and that he will be calling for early elections. The

No early elections – HAMASAKA

By Brian Mwale State House has dismissed insinuations by Lumezi Member of Parliament MUNIR ZULU that President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA intends to dissolve Parliament and call for an early election. State House Chief Communications Specialist CLAYSON HAMASAKA has described Mr. ZULU’s statement as reckless and irresponsible. He says the statement made yesterday by the Lumezi Independent

KAIZER ZULU still at large

By Beatrice Mfula Lusaka Resident Magistrate SYLVIA MUNYINYA has given former Presidential Political Advisor KAIZER ZULU’s sureties more time to find him as he is still at large. This is in a matter where Mr. ZULU is charged with two counts of failure to surrender his Diplomatic Passport when he was no longer entitled to

ConCourt Upholds the election of MUNIR ZULU

By Hannock Kasama The Constitutional Court has upheld the election of MUNIR ZULU as LUMEZI Constituency Independent Member of Parliament. Mr. ZULU’s election was challenged by losing Independent candidate ZELLIPA CHISULO and others on grounds that he did not possess a grade 12 Certificate. But the CHIPATA High Court declared Mr. ZULU duly elected in

ConCourt dismisses MUNIR ZULU’s application

By Hannock Kasama The Constitutional Court has dismissed an application by LUMEZI Member of Parliament MUNIR ZULU to file heads of arguments out of time, pending judgment of the electoral petition against his election results. The Court has ruled that there are no exceptional circumstances to warrant the independent MP to file his heads of
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