Cabinet approves seven bills

By Brian Mwale Cabinet has approved Zambia’s accession to the Treaty on the establishment of the African Medicines Agency -AMA-. Chief Government Spokesperson CHUSHI KASANDA says the move is aimed at having strong national regulatory systems, with technical backup at regional and continental levels. Ms. KASANDA says government’s interest in ratifying the AMA Treaty is

Zambians Hailed Over AU Hosting

Brian Mwale – Government has praised citizens for uniting in the successful hosting of the African Union 4th Mid- Year Coordination Meeting. Chief Government Spokesperson CHUSHI KASANDA says the unity shown among all sectors symbolises the peace and love that Zambia is known for. Ms. KASANDA has also commended the private sector for their material and

Govt clears pension arrears

Paul Shalala – Government has cleared pension arrears owed to retirees by the Public Service Pensions Fund -PSPF- from years back up to 31st December, 2021. Chief Government Spokesperson CHUSHI KASANDA says 2.6 billion kwacha has been paid to retirees under PSPF. Ms. KASANDA, who is also Information and Media Minister, says Government is determined


Ruth Chayinda Information and Media Minister CHUSHI KASANDA says the hosting of the African Union mid-year summit in Zambia underscores the country’s credentials as a champion of peace and unity on the continent. Ms. KASANDA says Zambia stands to benefit immensely from the hosting of the AU summit and has called on all stakeholders in


By Etambuyu Katota Information and Media Minister CHUSHI KASANDA says the government is repositioning operations of the media sector in the country. Ms. KASANDA says this will enable the media to be effective in carrying out its mandate. She said this when the Media Liaison Committee handed over the Zambia Media Council draft bill of…
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