Ban on supply of mealie meal to Chililabombwe lifted

By Masauso Mkwayaya Government has lifted the ban imposed on millers and other entities to supply mealie meal to Chililabombwe. This follows the artificial shortage of mealie-meal in the district caused by smuggling. Chief Government Spokesperson CORNELIUS MWEETWA says other players are now free to trade their mealie meal in Chililabombwe in order to cushion

ZNS mealie meal safe – CHINTALA

By Mark Ziligone The Millers Association of Zambia-MAZ- is satisfied that the Eagles Mealie Meal produced by the Zambia National Service –ZNS- has no Genetically Modified Organisms -GMO. MAZ President ANDREW CHINTALA says he is content with the measures that Government has put in place to prevent the offloading of GMO mealie meal on the

Millers urged to ensure Mealie Meal availability

By Ruth Chayinda President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has urged millers to ensure there is availability of mealie meal in the country. President HICHILEMA says it is unfortunate that the country has continued to experience mealie meal deficit which has been caused by among other factors, smuggling. He however says there is need for the country to

CHINTALA calls for export of value added products

By Brian Mwale The Millers Association of Zambia -MAZ- says government and stakeholders should strengthen the value addition policy to enhance export of finished products. MAZ President ANDREW CHINTALA says exporting maize instead of value added products translates into exports of jobs and lessens revenue generation for the country. Mr. CHINTALA says Zambia has in

Govt concerned with unstable mealie meal prices

By Obinato Saili Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister CHIPOKA MULENGA is concerned with the unstable mealie meal prices. Mr. MULENGA says this is despite the new dawn government providing favourable incentives to make the cost of production lower for the millers and all manufactures in the country. He has wondered why the price of mealie
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