Author: Editor

Tax evasion in retail, mining sector rife

By Patricia  Banda Financial Intelligence Centre-FIC- has observed an increase in tax evasion in retail businesses and the mining sector. FIC Director General CLEMENT KAPALU says the scale is beyond what the Zambia Revenue Authority can contain. Mr. KAPALU told ZNBC News that the method being used needs policy makers to put in place measures

ZNBC Act set for amendment

By Paul Shalala Information and Media Minister CORNELIUS MWEETWA says the proposed amendment of the ZNBC Act will lead to its transformation into a true public service broadcaster with a stable financial base. Mr. MWEETWA, who is also Chief Government Spokesperson, says this transformation will see ZNBC being professional, fair and allowing people of Zambia

Nalumango tells Youths to be self-reliant and enterprising

By Ruth Chayinda   Vice President MUTALE NALUMANGO has encouraged youths  to be self-reliant and enterprising so that they can transform their lives and contribute to national development. Mrs NALUMANGO says youths should take advantage of the available opportunities to effectively contribute to the economic development of the country. She says the government is resolved

Govt asked to Promote Boxing

By Chanesa Tembo Oriental Quarries Boxing has appealed to the government through the Ministry of Youths, Sports and Arts to promote boxing across the country. Organisation Boxing Promoter Manager, CHRISTOPHER MALUNGA says he has noted that most of the competitors in the sport are usually from within Lusaka. Speaking during a media briefing in Lusaka

Banda becomes second most expensive female footballer

By Robert Mwanza The National Women’s Soccer League’s Orlando Pride has signed Copper Queens captain and forward BARBARA BANDA from Chinese Super League team Shanghai Shengli for a 740,000 dollars transfer fee. ESPN Sports reports that the fee is the second highest in world football history behind Zambian teammate RACHEAL KUNDANANJI, whose move to National
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