Author: Editor

“Champion Global Universal Coverage”

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has challenged visiting parliamentarians to champion the global universal health Coverage Agenda and health care financing in their respective countries.Dr Chilufya says pitching health in all policy as a major economic driver will help address challenges the health fraternity across the world is facing.He says Zambia is on the right path…

Chanda Disappointed with Political NGO’s De-campaign NDF

New Congress Party President Peter Chanda has expressed disappointment with politically inclined civil society organizations that have continued to de-campaign resolutions of the National Dialogue Forum- NDF.Pastor Chanda says the NDF was well represented by all sections of society and had several progressive clauses.He has appealed to Zambians to ignore distractive sentiments de-campaigning the NDF…

Jerabos March for Black Mountain

Hundreds of small-scale miners commonly known as Jerabos backed by freedom fighters and youths from the ruling Patriotic Front have marched on the streets of Mufulira asking for government to give them the mineral rich dump site called the Black Mountain.The procession, which stretched for over five hundred meters, involved several Jerabos riding in tipper…

Lungu Calls for Controlled Sale of Stockpiled Ivory

President Edgar Lungu has called for controlled sale of stockpiled ivory as opposed to burning them.President Lungu says Zambia has substantial stockpiles of ivory and rhino horns which it cannot get rid of due to its obligations under international conventions.He says by doing so the country would be able to invest money from sales into…

CB Cops Seek help from Lusaka for Ng’ambi’s Arrest

The Zambia Police Service on the Copperbelt has engaged Lusaka Office to help with the re-arresting of Chifubu Member of Parliament Frank Ng’ambi for allegedly beating his wife.Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga says this is because Mr. Ng’ambi  is out of jurisdiction.Mr. Ng’ambi  was discharged through a nolle Prosequi before the Director of Public Prosecutions…

IDC to Set $4m Fruit Plant in North Western

The Industrial Development Corporation -IDC- has reaffirmed its commitment to set up a multi-fruit processing plant in North-western Province at a cost of 4-million United States Dollars.The IDC targets to also have an out-grower scheme of about 3000 farmers.IDC Public Relations Manager, Namakau Mukelabai says the plant to be in Mwinilunga will come to fruition…
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