“Champion Global Universal Coverage”

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has challenged visiting parliamentarians to champion the global universal health Coverage Agenda and health care financing in their respective countries.Dr Chilufya says pitching health in all policy as a major economic driver will help address challenges the health fraternity across the world is facing.He says Zambia is on the right path in its drive to achieve universal health coverage.Dr Chilufya was speaking when he addressed Parliamentarians from Africa, Europe, America, and Asia who paid a courtesy call on him at his office.And SADC Parliamentary Forum Representative, Boemo Sekgoma said Zambia has shown the political will to address health challenges.Ms Sekgoma said this can be seen from the active participation of President Edgar Lungu in the fight against non-communicable diseases among other health campaigns.She said other nationals across the world should take a leaf from the Zambian health strengthening strategy in order to improve the delivery of health services in their respective countries. Post Views: 10
News Source: ZNBC

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