CB Cops Seek help from Lusaka for Ng’ambi’s Arrest

The Zambia Police Service on the Copperbelt has engaged Lusaka Office to help with the re-arresting of Chifubu Member of Parliament Frank Ng’ambi for allegedly beating his wife.Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga says this is because Mr. Ng’ambi  is out of jurisdiction.Mr. Ng’ambi  was discharged through a nolle Prosequi before the Director of Public Prosecutions -DPP- ordered for his re-arrest.Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has also clarified that the prosecution entered a nolle prosequi without informing the Police.Mrs. Katanga told ZNBC News that the instruction to re-arrest the suspect was only given after a day.She said in a normal situation, prosecutors are supposed to inform the police before entering a Nolle if there is need to re- arrest a suspect.Mrs. Katanga further explained that the prosecution of cases is no longer being done by the Police but by the National Prosecution Authority -NPA-.She said Police can only know if the suspect needs to be re-arrested after a nolle upon being communicated to by the prosecutor.Mrs. Katanga said when Mr. Ng’ambi was arrested, the police refused to grant him bond looking at the seriousness of the matter.She said the accused was only given bail by the court.Last week the DPP issued a statement claiming that the state entered a nolle in the matter with the view to re arrest Mr. Ng’ambi.The DPPs office wondered why the accused has not been rearrested when instruction was allegedly given.The DPPs office explained that the reason for entering a nolle prosequi was to slap the suspect with appropriate charges that are in line with the gravity of the offence. Post Views: 9
News Source: ZNBC

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