Author: Editor

David Cameron resigns

British Prime Minister David Cameron resigns after UK votes to leave the European Union. He will step down in three months time, despite winning a majority vote a few months ago. In a speech outside 10 Downing Street he said: “The British people have voted to leave the EU and their will must be respected.

PF has left Zambia in the dark – HH

President Lungu’s main challenger in the Zambia August election Hakainde Hichilema of UPND has charged that the ruling Patriotic Front government has left the country in the dark. Hichilema who is commonly referred to as HH says the PF should take the blame for the current energy crisis. “The PF have left Zambians in the

Post Newspaper remain closed, MISA visits Offices

We visited the Post Newspaper offices earlier this morning to ascertain the situation and show our solidarity. The premises remain closed with Police keeping guard while several employees and other sympathisers were found outside the Bwinjimfumu offices in high spirits. MISA Chair Hellen Mwale called on ZRA to immediately reconsider its actions and questioned the

The closure of The Post Newspapers

By Chilufya Tayali This afternoon Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) pounced on The Post Newspaper and closed down the printing plant in the light industrial area then went to the administration and editorial department at Bwinjimfumu to do the same. The ZRA officials almost went into a punch up exchange with some Post workers. Within two

Secrutinise Candidates – Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has asked Zambians to scrutinise those seeking public office in the August 11 general election. And President Lungu has taken a swipe at UPND presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema and his running mate Geoffrey Mwamba saying the two are not ready to lead the country. The President said unlike him and his running
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