Post Newspaper remain closed, MISA visits Offices

Post closed 1Post closedWe visited the Post Newspaper offices earlier this morning to ascertain the situation and show our solidarity. The premises remain closed with Police keeping guard while several employees and other sympathisers were found outside the Bwinjimfumu offices in high spirits.

MISA Zambia Director Aaustin Kayanda talking to journalists

MISA Zambia Director Aaustin Kayanda talking to journalists

MISA Chair Hellen Mwale called on ZRA to immediately reconsider its actions and questioned the move to close the Post and the lack of due process as the move was clearly politically motivated. She questioned why ZRA had not moved on other companies that owe sums much bigger then what was at the centre of the Post tax claim. She noted that the Post had indicated its will to comply and had even paid the principle sum which therefore brings into question the genuineness of the ZRA action in addition to their refusal to recognise a lawfully obtained court injunction.

She also called on all media practitioners to put aside all differences and stand to protect the freedom of the press which is under threat.

She reiterated the Post’s role in promoting democracy and offering a platform to dissenting views, which have been blacked out in most media outlets.

Here are a few pics of our visit and the current situation.

Meanwhile let us use the hashtag below on both Facebook and Twitter to set the agenda on this issue. There is need to look at the bigger picture and the potential threat not only on the Post but on each and everyone of us and the fundamental freedom we so dearly enjoy.


MISA Zambia

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