The new tax offence: Arrogance and Insulting

Tax on NewspapersTax on Newspapers 1By Brian Mulenga

Today I can safely say I am no longer pro PF. The shutting down of the Post is a prima facie case of selective justice and of victimization.

Parastatal organisation as of 2013 owed a combined K3.5 Billion in taxes or 10% of the Budget at the time. That is to put it into perspective more than the allocation for any government ministry.

Yet I see Parastatal chiefs driving big 4 x 4 vehicles, children in posh schools, talking on cell phones on international call forever and yet their organisations are years in arrears in taxes.

When queried PF officials and cadres have shrilly denounced the Post for arrogance and insulting. Last time I check this was not a tax offence. obligations.These organisation even have perks for C-Level officials that include annual holidays locally or abroad for them and their families.

When queried PF officials and cadres have shrilly denounced the Post for arrogance and insulting .their party Last time I check this was not a tax offence.

I have voted PF in 2006, 2008, 2011 but this time I am wondering whether I voted wisely. I cherish my right to free speech and fair treatment under the law. On this evidence can the PF respect them ? Even more troubling for me was the lack of respect for court orders.

The one party state was the most undemocratic government in Zambian history. Yet it allowed people to challenge it in court and it respected court orders that ruled against it. The UNIP government for all its undemocratic tendencies respected court orders and court judgements. People like Cuthbert Mambwe Nyirongo whose passport was seized on orders from higher authorities sued the State and got their passport back. The second most powerful man in the country Grey Zulu was summoned to court and charged with contempt for missing a hearing and he paid the fine the judge ordered. General Miyanda sued and got his benefits and privileges restored. Frederick Chiluba was released after first getting his day in court when the State respected a writ of habeas corpus and produced him in court and thereafter was released when the judge found the Presidential Detention order deficient and wanting. Elias Mark Chipimo Senior sued and won damages against the state of considerable amounts when he was hounded out of his various posts due to a perceived anti government tendencies.

All this in a one Party state which proudly amnnounce that the Party and its Government where Supreme. Today 25 years after KK assented to article 4 and multipartyism was brought back when an all embracing amnesty released all persons detained or on trial over political cases we are seemingly regressing beyond the pale and doing things which even UNIP never dared to do.

National Mirror a church paper stood up and fought the State for over a decade it was the only independent newspaper in the country and UNIP not even once tried to shut it down. Not once did it use tax authorities or whatever to close it own.

The Parastatal organisations in this country owe 100 times what the Post owes in taxes. They owe more than the budget of any Ministry. What is the Government doing to ensure that these taxes are paid? That pensions are funded ? That retrenches dues are finally settled ? These are more pressing and important issues than harassing the Post.

Please refer to the graphics attached. Is there justice that 600 workers at the post and their families livelihoods should be jeopardised to settle scores ? Is there justice for the poor child who is sitting on a brick in a dilapidated classroom because some people have not remitted taxes ? The retiree who is waiting for his unfunded pension ?

Meanwhile the Parastatal gravy train continues with executives renting posh houses and driving huge cars, flashing expense cards at plush hotels, flying business class and NOT PAY TAXES !!!

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