By Mark Ziligone:The Zambia Union of Journalists -ZUJ- has welcomed the move by the Industrial Development Corporation -IDC- to restructure the Times Printpak, the publishers of the Times of Zambia Newspaper.ZUJ General Secretary Robinson Kunda says the Union has for a long time wished for the restructuring of Times Printpak which has finally become a pleasing reality.In a statement to ZNBC News, Mr. Kunda said the problems at the Institution had reached alarming levels with ZUJ members being owed salary arrears in excess of nine months.He said the Union is happy that IDC has settled the outstanding salary arrears for all employees at Times of Zambia.Mr. Kunda said the Union is confident the development will motivate employees to put in extra effort and increase production and efficiency at the company.The Union has also appealed to IDC to look into the plight of workers at Zambia Printing Company which has also been facing serious challenges. Post Views: 5
News Source: ZNBC

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