Zesco ltd awarded ISO certification

By Kachepa Mwiinga-Zesco Limited has been awarded four International Standards Organisation -ISO – Certificates by DQS of South Africa.The four certificates are for Quality Management, Environmental Management systems ,Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and Information Security Management Systems.Speaking when he received the certificates in Lusaka today, ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende said the corporation is happy that the safety , health , environment and quality standards are being appreciated.Mr Mundende urged the employees to ensure that they keep working hard to maintain the standards and retain the certificates which are only valid for three years.Meanwhile, DQS Managing Director Vusi Bongwe praised Zesco for thoroughly working on the non-conformities and earning the certification.Mr Bongwe said the institution regulates twenty-thousand companies around the world but has never come across a big company like Zesco and praised the corporation for its commitment to work. Post Views: 18
News Source: ZNBC

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