Zambia should expand maize production – CHITIMUKULU

By Memory Bbuku

Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU of the Bemba people says the solution to escalating prices of Mealie Meal lies in utilising the country’s resources to produce adequate maize.

The traditional leader says Zambia does not need to grapple with high prices of Mealie Meal because it has the potential and resources to grow enough maize for consumption.

He however says this requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders and not leaving government to shoulder the responsibility alone.

Meanwhile the CHITIMUKULU has bemoaned the lack of industries and social amenities in rural Kasama.

He says in the absence of social amenities, villagers resort to drinking beer which he says results in early marriages.

Paramount chief CHITIMUKULU has also thanked President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA for his continued engagement with traditional leaders in the country.

He says the President has exhibited an open door policy and finds time to consult on matters before taking action.

The Traditional leader was speaking when Presidential Advisor on Economic, Investment and Developmental Affairs JITO KAYUMBA paid courtesy call on him.

And Mr. KAYUMBA has assured the traditional leader of government’s commitment to developing rural areas.

He said government will work with traditional leaders to improve people’s livelihoods.

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