World Bank approves social sector spending funds for Zambia

Michael Kaumba-The World Bank has approved 155 million US dollars towards the Social Cash transfer to help cushion shocks from rising cost of fuel, food and fertiliser.

Visiting World Bank Vice President for Eastern and Central Africa VICTORIA KWAKWA says the board has further approved a 27 Million dollars credit facility to Zambia.

And, Dr KWAKWA has urged the Zambian government not to relent in it’s efforts to develop programmes that uplift the living standards of the most vulnerable people in the country.

She says her organisation is happy with the commitment shown by the government to enhance the living standards of ordinary Zambians.

Dr KWAKWA said this in SHIBUYUNJI District when she visited NAMPUNDWE Secondary School which is implementing the World Bank funded Girls Education Women Empowerment and Livelihood-GEWEL-project.

She was accompanied by Education Minister DOUGLAS SYAKALIMA and Community
development Minister DOREEN MWAMBA.

And Mr. SYAKALIMA appealed to the World bank to help fund the construction of schools with boarding facilities to help reduce the number of girls falling pregnant especially in rural areas.

And Community Development Minister DOREEN MWAMBA said analysis of data of both the Keeping Girls in School and the women empowerment components of the GEWEL Project shows that the two programmes are being implemented successfully.

And, Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, MARGARET TEMBO said the GEWEL Project has helped uplift the living standards of most vulnerable women in the area.

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