Work with Your Husbands for Katuba Campaigns-NGOCC

The Non-Governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council -NGGOCC- has called on married women aspiring to be adopted for the Katuba parliamentary seat to work with their husbands.NGOCC Publicity Secretary Annie Sampa told ZANIS that involving husbands will help women aspiring for political office to gain more support during campaigns.Ms Sampa said women are usually apprehensive to join the political arena because of the abusive language used in some cases during campaigns.She said the NGOCC has therefore come up with governance programmes to prepare women aspiring to take up political office.Ms Sampa said this is in the quest to attain the 30 percent women representation in decision making positions.She said this during the popularization of the civil society organization governance charter for defending human rights and the rule of law meeting.Ms Sampa has since appealed to all political parties participating in the Katuba parliamentary by-election to seriously consider adopting women.And Ms. Sampa said NGGOCC will lobby and advocate for the upholding of the constitution and the rule of law. Post Views: 2
News Source: ZNBC

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