By Patricia Banda:

UPND special advisor to the President William Banda has urged UPND members in Chisankane ward in Shantumbu area to work with traditional leaders in order to foster development.

Mr Banda said the traditional leadership under senior Chieftainess Nkomeshaya, the second, have created an environment to promote development.

He was speaking when he handed over two bales of second hands cloths to Juma Chamanga and Mpaka Tukashuke cooperatives.

Mr Banda has also handed over a bicycle to Information Publicity Secretary for UPND in Shantumbu area.

And Mr Banda has asked UPND members who have formed cooperatives to embrace people from opposition political parties.

Meanwhile, Chisankane ward Councilor Kebby Sikangila and chairperson for Juma Chamanga Duncan Makonde thanked Mr Banda for the gesture.

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