By Wilson Mulinda

Shepolopolo Under 20 Coach CHARLES HALUBOONO says Zambia will target a win in their Costa Rica World Cup qualifier match against Malawi tomorrow.

HALUBOONO says the team’s spirit is high and has prepared his girls adequately for the encounter.

He says the team goes into the match full of motivation.

Speaking during a pre-match press briefing, HALUBOONO said there are no injury concerns for the team, adding that the girls are fit and ready.

Meanwhile, team Captain EVELYN KANGWA has promised fans a victory.

KANGWA said Zambia has not underrated Malawi, but knows that victory is possible through hard work.

Zambia will take on Malawi tomorrow at 15 hours at Lusaka’s Nkoloma stadium in their opening Costa Rica 2022 Under 20 women’s world cup qualifiers.

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