Putin orders investigation after bridge fire

(BBC) Russian President Vladimir Putin has been briefed about the “emergency” on the Crimean bridge. He has ordered a government commission to be established to investigate the incident, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. Peskov told the Interfax news agency: “The president has instructed the prime minister to form a government commission to establish the

Ukraine war: Putin seeks volunteers to fight in Ukraine

(BBC) Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked officials to help send volunteers to fight against Ukrainian forces. Speaking at a Russian security council meeting, he said those who wanted to volunteer to fight with Russia-backed forces should be allowed to. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said there were 16,000 volunteers in the Middle East ready…

What is a war crime, and could Putin be prosecuted over Ukraine?

(BBC)Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has described an attack on a maternity and children’s hospital as a “war crime”. It may not seem like it, but “even war has rules”, as the International Committee of the Red Cross puts it. These are contained in treaties called the Geneva Conventions and a string of other international laws and agreements. What…
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