Tag: Business


  An economist says the decision by the government to slow down on the implementation of projects financed by commercial loans will help to improve the economy in the long run. Chingola-based economist, MATTEWS MUYEMBE says this will not only help the country to avoid the risk of accumulating more non-concessional debt but also allow


By Patricia Bnda The Timber Association of Zambia has appealed to Government to consider empowering more of its members with timber license concessions. Association President CHARLES MASANGE says there is need for more Zambians to be involved into timber processing to help create jobs. Mr. MASANGE is however concerned that some provinces recorded low numbers


Zambian Association of Citizen Contractors -ZACCO- has appealed to government to speed-up the evaluation and audit of domestic arrears. Association President MUTALE MPEPO says the plea of the contractors is for the process to be done in good time to allow them pay their workers and suppliers. Mr. MPEPO told ZNBC News that his Association

FQM to create 2400 jobs

Lupindula Mwewa – First Quantum Minerals Limited – FQM is this year expected to employ 2400 people at its Trident Mine Limited in Kalumbila District and Kansanshi Mining Plc in Solwezi District of North Western Province. This comes after FQM, which runs both mines, announced an investment of over US$1.2 billion at Kansanshi Mining Plc

Farmer complains of low fish prices

(ZANIS) A farmer who benefitted from the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission, -CEEC- aquaculture seed fund has lamented that the fish market has become saturated and is offering low prices for the commodity. NZILA SIABALIMA who stocked three ponds with 30,000 fingerlings complains that the K35 per Kilogram offered on the market is too low and


Wilson Mulinda Green Economy and Environment Minister COLLINS NZOVU has directed the Zambia Environmental Management Agency -ZEMA- to take action against mining companies operating without conducting Environmental Impact Assessments. Mr. NZOVU says he will not tolerate the business as usual attitude that puts lives of citizens at risk and polluting the environment. The minister says

Govt focused on stimulating domestic economy

Mwila Nsofu The Ministry of Finance and National Planning says the 2023-2025 Medium Term Budget Plan will focus on stimulating the domestic economy through implementation of measures that will promote investment and growth in key economic sectors. Secretary to the Treasury, FELIX NKULUKUSA says government will also continue to pursue the use of Public Private
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