Farmer complains of low fish prices

(ZANIS) A farmer who benefitted from the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission, -CEEC- aquaculture seed fund has lamented that the fish market has become saturated and is offering low prices for the commodity.

NZILA SIABALIMA who stocked three ponds with 30,000 fingerlings complains that the K35 per Kilogram offered on the market is too low and that she may not recover the production cost and pay back the K500,000 loan she got from CEEC.

Mrs. SIABALIMA has since appealed to the commission to help her access markets that can offer a good price from other  players in the value chain who benefitted from the aquaculture seed fund.

But CEEC Public Relations Officer MICHELO MUKUTA says clients should not cry foul when the market becomes saturated because they are supposed to conduct as assessment before they apply for empowerment funds from the commission.

Mr. MUKUTA says the clients should remodel their businesses to penetrate other markets.

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