Tag: Brian Mundubile

Parley suspends MUNDUBILE

By Patricia Banda Mporokoso Member of Parliament BRIAN MUNDUBILE has been suspended for 30-days for breach of Parliamentary privileges and contempt of Parliament. This follows a ruling on a point of order that was raised on October 6, 2023 by nominated Member of Parliament LIKANDO MUFALALI against Mr. MUNDUBILE for his conduct on the floor

Govt acts on cost of production

By Hannock Kasama Chief Government Spokesperson CORNELIUS MWEETWA says government has put in place measures to reduce the cost of production, which is critical to economic development. Mr. MWEETWA, who is also Information and Media Minister, says the measures will lead to a reduction in the cost of living in the country. He says the

Lazarous Bwalya Chungu appointed as Northern Province Minister

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has sworn in Lupososhi Member of Parliament Hon.  Lazarous Bwalya Chungu as Northern Province Minister taking over from Brian Mundubile who has been appointed as Parliamentary Chief Chip State House Spokesperson Isaac Chipampe has confirmed the appointment. Post Views: 1 About usMwebantu is a Zambian daily online newspaper founded in 2012 by…
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