Stop spreading unfounded accusations, KALABA told

By Mwila Nsofu,

Government has dismissed as baseless, accusations made opposition Citizens First leader HARRY KALABA, that it is involved in the production of a video making rounds on media platforms where he was being confronted by a Zimbabwean Journalist on account of him being part of the infamous Gold Mafias.

Chief Government Spokesperson, CHUSHI KASANDA says government takes strong exception to what Mr. KALABA is saying that it was engaging foreign nationals to humiliate citizens and that it is bent on destroying his political image.

Ms. KASANDA, who is also Information and Media Minister, says government has nothing to do with the said video circulating on various media platforms.

She says Mr. KALABA owes the nation an explanation on how he found himself in contact and in conversation with the Zimbabwean Journalist.

Ms. KASANDA says Government’s stance is that Mr. KALABA, like any other citizen, has a right to mingle with anyone.

The Chief Government Spokesperson said in a statement to ZNBC News that what is wrong, however, is to drag Government in what is purely a personal matter when things have gone wrong as Mr. KALABA is trying to do.

Ms. KASANDA said that the opposition leader is reminded to conduct his political discourse responsibly and desist from spreading unfounded accusations.

She said government is preoccupied with matters of development and the well being of the people of Zambia and not petty issues being raised by Mr. KALABA.

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