SADC unveils statue of Tanzania’s Founding President

(ZANIS) The Southern African Development Community -SADC- has unveiled a three meter tall statue of Tanzania’s Founding President JULIUS MWALIMU NYERERE at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa – Ethiopia.

The statue is in honour of his contributions towards the liberation struggle of many African Countries.

ZANIS reports that President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA, in his capacity as Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation led the unveiling process.

In his statement, President HICHILEMA said the statue will be a constant reminder to all regional blocks and the global Community of the noble work President NYERERE did in bringing about peace and stability.

And Tanzania’s President, SAMIA SULUHU HASSAN, who is also the incoming Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Defence and Politics, reflected on the impact of President NYERERE’s leadership.

President HASSAN, described President NYERERE as a visionary leader, who dedicated his duty to fostering unity and development not only in Tanzania alone but the entire African continent.

Meanwhile, SADC Executive Secretary, ELIAS MAGOSI, said the statue must save as a reminder to the present and future generations of a leader who believed in guarding the continent’s peace and security jealously.

Speaking at the same event, African Union Commission Chairperson, MOUSSA FAKI MAHAMAT,   described President NYERERE as an iconic Pan Africanist who played a key role in the establishment of the Organisation of the African Unit -OAU in 1963.

The Julius Nyerere statue has been erected in front of the JULIUS NYERERE Peace and Security Building, commissioned in 2016 at the African Union Headquarters in Ethiopia.

Other Statues at the AU Headquarters include that of Emperor HAILE SELASSIE, who was the last emperor of Ethiopia serving from 1930 to 1974 and is credited for his influential role in the establishment of the OAU and today’s modern Ethiopia, and Ghana’s Founding President, KWAME NKHURUMA.

In 2020, SADC resolved to erect statues for all the nine SADC founding fathers including Zambia’s Founding President, Kenneth Kaunda, at the SADC Headquarters in Botswana.

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