Road accidents worry TAYALI

By Ruth Chayinda

Transport and Logistics Minister FRANK TAYALI is concerned with the high number of road accidents which have claimed over 1,000 lives this year alone.

Mr. TAYALI says this year the country has recorded over 27,000 road accidents resulting in 1,496 deaths and 4,447 serious injuries.

He has attributed the increased accidents to bad behavior among road users.

Mr. TAYALI has since urged the Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA- to address the behaviours of Public Service Vehicle -PSV- drivers on local routes especially in Lusaka and the Copperbelt Provinces.

He said this when he launched the road safety week under the theme “acting together for road safety” and also unveiled the RTSA strategic Plan 2022-2026.

And United Nations Development Programme -UNDP- Resident Representative JAMES WAKIAGA bemoaned the continued high number of accidents recorded in the country.

In a speech read on his behalf by Senior Economic Advisor DOMINGO MAZIVILA, Mr. WAKIAGA however commended Government for the efforts it has put in place to ensure that road accidents are reduced.

And RTSA Board Chairperson ALLEN MATE said the implementation of cameras which has commenced in Lusaka today is one way to reduce road accidents and attainment of good road behavior.

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