1. Lusaka ~ Mon, 4 Jan 2021

By Brightwell Chabusha

The Zambia Air Force says the Gulfstream G-650 Presidential jet cannot be sold.

In responsing to a press query on whether the Gulfstream G-650 Presidential jet can be sold, ZAF Director of Public Relations and Foreign Liaison Colonel M. Kasoma has stated that it is impossible to sell military equipment.

“Zambia Air Force wishes to clarify that the Gulfstream G-650 cannot be sold. All equipment listed and appearing on the Zambia Air Force inventory is classified as military equipment. Such equipment is acquired either directly by the Zambia Air Force or by the Government through the Ministry of Defence for purposes of

carrying out specific functions and missions or to fulfill stated Air Services. In this regard, all military equipment procured for purposes of achieving the aforementioned functions, missions and mandate or in support thereof, cannot be sold during the course of operational use, lifespan or for business purposes,” Colonel Kasoma stated.

“More specifically, the Gulfstream G 650 aircraft, which was acquired by the Zambia Air Force through a contract by the Ministry of Defence and brought on charge on the Zambia Air Force inventory, and is thus classified as military equipment for use by the Office of the President and Commander in Chief of the Defence Force, currently held by His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, cannot be sold. The Zambia Air Force’s mandate to convey incumbent Presidents has been in force since independence in 1964 and all six Presidents have been conveyed by the Air Force in this regard using different aircraft over the years.”

He stated that all other equipment that is on Air force inventory.

“In view of the foregoing, the Zambia Air Force wishes to categorically state that the Gulfstream G-650 aircraft cannot be sold neither can any other equipment that is on Air Force inventory, as this has never been done before because it is against the laws that govern the Air Force as a defence entity. The unlawful sell of military equipment is contrary to Section 49(1) (c) of the Defence Act Chapter 106 Volume 8 of the Laws of Zambia as read with Section 277 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 Volume 7 of the Laws of Zambia. The only exception to this rule is when such equipment is classified as obsolete through normal wear and tear or by irreparable damage sustained in accidents,” Col Kasoma stated.

“This classification can only be done by a certified Zambia Air Force Board of Survey which has defined guidelines that cannot be disposed of by virtue of decree. At present, the Gulfstream G 650 aircraft is equipped with modern cutting edge technology and is in pristine condition, it therefore does not fall within the bounds of the Board of Survey. The Gulfstream G 650 aircraft is expected to be in service for not less than two more decades as was the case with the former Presidential jet, the Challenger 604 that was acquired in 1991.”

He explained that the Zambia Air Force is not in any way a commercial or quasi government agency.

“It is by design, a purely defence institution that is exclusively for purposes of securing the territorial integrity of the Republic of Zambia. The Zambia Air Force wishes to further advise and encourage Zambian citizens to acquaint themseives with the functions, operations and laws that govern this and all the other Defence and Security agencies as these are key state institutions,” Colonel Kasoma stated.

News Source: ZambiaReports

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