Police in Lusaka comprise recorded seventeen circumstances of unscrupulous those which may well be growing counterfeit Fb pages of excessive profile folks and organisations to swindle the general public.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says investigations comprise been instituted and culprits will likely be arrested soon.
Ms Katongo suggested ZNBC News that Police is working with the Cybercrime unit to bring the culprits to e-book.
Meanwhile, Zambia Knowledge and Expertise Communication Authority- ZICTA Person Protection and Compliance Supervisor Edgar Mulauzi
says this can soon originate publishing names of offenders in convey that they are identified to the general public.
Mr. Mulauzi adds that consumer negligence on the on-line has contributed to excessive circumstances of cybercrime.
The day earlier than on the present time, Lands Minister Jean Kapata offered that some unscruplous contributors had created a counterfeit facebook fable in her title.

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