By Mark Ziligone-   PF Secretary General Davis Mwila has directed all party structures to discipline any party members trying to create anarchy within the party.

Mr. Mwila has noted with dismay the growing trend among some ordinary party members who have continued insulting senior members of the party through social media.

He says no party members will be left scot-free if they decide to go against party values and insult President Edgar Lungu’s appointees.

Mr. Mwila says insulting people who have been appointed by the President clearly shows that one does not support President Lungu.

The PF Secretary General has told ZNBC News in an interview that the party will not allow any forms of indiscipline because no one is immune to disciplinary action if they go against party values.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwila has urged all PF aspiring Members of Parliament to follow party guidelines when selling themselves to the electorate.

He said not all aspiring MPs will be adopted because the party will adopt candidates who are popular and strong on the ground.

Mr. Mwila said all the aspiring candidates who will not be adopted should rally behind those who will be adopted.

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