By Mark Ziligone:Opposition New Congress Party president Peter Chanda says President Edgar Lungu’s address to the nation on COVID19 has given more hope to Zambians over the country’s economic status.Pastor Chanda says President Lungu’s address to the nation set a path for the country’s economic recovery through various interventions by Government.He has told ZNBC News in an interview that it is time for Zambia to focus on promoting industrialization to reduce on the importation of product that can  be manufactured locally.Pastor Chanda said Zambia has the capacity to manufacture most of the products currently be imported .Meanwhile the opposition leader has implored for Lusaka Archbishop Teshphore Mpundu to focus on uniting the nation rather than dividing the people .Pastor Chanda said it wrong for the clergy to bring in politics when the country is focusing on fighting the COVID19 pandemic. Post Views: 2
News Source: ZNBC

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