Ex-David Kaunda National Technical School pupils donate three first aid kits to school’s sick bay

THREE first aid kits valued at K2,100, were today donated to David Kaunda National Technical Secondary School, Lusaka by the David Kaunda Class of 1998. The kit contains crepe bandages, gauge bandages, gauze pads, ace wraps, methylated spirit, tweezers, nail clippers, a pair of scissors, antiseptic wipers, pair of latex gloves, safety pins, splints, dettol,

Zambia has capacity for nuclear-Professor Mpande

Mineral Economist Professor Mathias Mpande says Zambia has the capacity to investment in nuclear energy. Professor Mpande says this is because the country has relevant skilled manpower, minerals and chemicals used in processing nuclear energy in Africa. He says Zambia has the second highest reserves of Uranium used in Nuclear production after Niger. Professor Mphande

Mumbi Phiri advises PF youths to stay away from the burial of UPND blogger and activist Clance Zulu.

Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Secretary General (DSG) Mumbi Phiri has advised her members especially the youth to stay away from the burial of the UPND blogger and activist Clance Nalosah Zulu. In an advisory message to members, Mrs. Mumbi Phiri stated that she feared the presence of Patriotic Front youth members at the burial might

Ex-Botswana President Sir Ketumile Masire dies

Botswana’s former President Ketumile Masire has died at the age of 91, the country’s government has announced. Sir Ketumile, who led Botswana for 18 years from 1980, has been praised for cementing stability in the country and laying the foundations for its economic success, the AFP news agency reports. He also got involved in trying to
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