By Mark Ziligone:

The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Lands and Natural Resources has called for increased funding to the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia-NCZ-in a bid to revive and increase fertilizer production.

Committee Chairperson Kasautu Michelo says the company has the capacity to increase fertilizer production from the current 50 thousand metric tonnes to One Hundred Thousand metric tonnes yearly if given adequate funding.

Mr. Michelo says Zambia should not be importing fertilizer when the country has the capacity to produce enough for the farmers under the Farmer Input Support Programme-FISP.

He says the Committee will ensure funding of the fertilizer company is tabled before Parliament for government consideration.

Mr. Michelo was speaking before conducting a fact finding mission with other members of the committee at NCZ in Kafue.

And NCZ Board Chairperson Chitundu Kasase said increasing funding towards operationalisation of the company will enable it to compete on the market.

Dr. Kasase said this is why the company plans to increase its annual production capacity to meet the demands of farmers across the country.

Meanwhile Industrial Development Corporation-IDC- Chief Portfolio Officer Henry Sakala said NCZ has continued to record remarkable profit since 2020.

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