Musa Mwenye is new ACC Board Chairperson

Hector Simfukwe-President has appointed former Attorney General MUSA MWENYE as the chairperson of the Anti Corruption Commission -ACC- Board.

The President has also appointed IRENE LAMBA, HENRY MBUSHI and OBRIEN KAABA as Commissioners on the same board.

The Head of state has congratulated those appointed and hopes the appointees will bring in a senses of urgency, transparent and results to the fight against corruption.

And Mr. HICHILEMA has renewed the mandate for Human Rights Commission chairperson MUDFORD MWANDENGA while the tenure of the rest of the Commissioners whose mandate ended in December has not been renewed.

The President has since appointed PEMELA SAMBO as the vice chairperson of the Commission while father EMMANUEL CHIKOYA, LAURA MITI , TOM SHAMAKAMBA and Christine CHAMA as Commissioners.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZNBC by Presidential Spokesperson ANTHONY BWALYA.

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