Monza Gets Extra 100mt of Relief Food

By Patricia Banda -Minister in the Vice President’s Office Sylvia Chalikosa says an extra 100 metric tonnes of relief food has been distributed in Monze Central constituency through World Vision Zambia.And Ms Chalikosa has reiterated that there is no need to declare the hunger situation as a disaster.She was speaking in parliament today in response to Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who wanted to know how many households are affected in his constituency in view of the dry spell that affected the southern part of the country.This was during the question and oral answer session in Parliament today.She said so far 4,400 and 80 by 12.5 kilogramme bags of mealie- meal have been distributed.Ms Chalikosa has however urged Members of Parliament not to mislead the public over the hunger situation especially in Southern province. Post Views: 4
News Source: ZNBC

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