By Ruth Chayinda-The Ministry of Health has launched four new one-stop centres for Gender based violence survivors with the aim of strengthening a robust system to track GBV.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health for Technical Services, Kennedy Malama said during the virtual launch that GBV is a serious health problem that negatively affects individuals and communities.

Dr. Malama said it is the ministry’s desire to at least have a one-stop centre in each district to help mitigate the challenges that GBV survivors have faced in accessing acceptable health services.

And United States Embassy Charge D’ Affairs David Young said there is need to break the vice by encouraging a change in mindset that sees GBV as unacceptable.

Mr. Young said the USA will continue to render support to the Zambian Government to strengthen GBV responses through laws and policies that ensure protection of survivors and justice for the perpetrators of such vices.

Meanwhile, Zambia Centre for Communication Programme -ZCCP- Executive Director Johans Mtonga said GBV has limited the full potential of women and young girls to contribute to their personal and national development

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