MALANJI, YAMBA plead not guilty

By Hannock Kasama

Former KWACHA Member of Parliament JOSEPH MALANJI and former Secretary to the Treasury FREDSON YAMBA have pleaded not guilty to charges of corruption and possession of goods deemed to be proceeds of crime.

The two took plea today before Lusaka Resident Magistrate IREEN WISHIMANGA.

This is in a matter where Mr. MALANJI is charged with possession of goods deemed to be proceeds of crime while Mr. YAMBA faces two charges of willful failure to comply with the law.

It is alleged that Mr. MALANJI between JANUARY 2020 and August 2022 in LUSAKA jointly with others unknown possessed a helicopter deemed to be a proceed of crime.

During the period under review, Mr. MALANJI also allegedly possessed GIBSON Royal Hotel in KITWE reasonably suspected to be proceed of crime.

Meanwhile Mr. YAMBA between JANUARY 2020 and August 2022, whilst acting together with others allegedly transferred over 108 million KWACHA to ZAMBIA’s mission account in TURKEY for the procurement of   real estate without following applicable laws and procedures.

During the same period, Mr. MALANJI further allegedly transferred over 45 million KWACHA to ZAMBIA’s mission account in TURKEY without following applicable laws and procedures.

The matter has been adjourned to October 7th, 2022 for trial.

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