Lungu Hold Talks With Abe,Sisi

President Edgar Lungu has held bilateral talks with Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe and his counterpart Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah -El -Sisi.And, Mr. Abe says Japan will assist Zambia in its effort to ensure debt sustainability and has sent an expert to the Ministry of Finance to achieve the goal.He asked for Zambia’s support for a Japanese candidate for judge at the United Nations.And President Lungu thanked the Prime Minister for the support rendered to Zambia.The President also acknowledged Japan’s support to Agriculture and Fisheries among other areas.President Lungu also thanked Japan for the grant of 500 million YEN for the procurement for equipment at the University of Zambia School of Veterinary Medicine.Meanwhile, the President has tasked all his ministers to ensure all Agreement signed with Egypt are implemented.Speaking when he met, Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah -El -Sisi , the President said all areas of cooperation including agriculture should be attended to. Post Views: 8
News Source: ZNBC

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