Livingstone welcomes new year set of triplets

(By Justin Akakulubelwa)-A woman in Livingstone has delivered a set of triplets, on New Year.

Livingstone University Teaching Hospital – LUTH- Surgeon KENNETH CHIBWE, says the triplets who are all boys, were delivered at thirty-four weeks, and are in good health.

Dr. CHIBWE says the first of the triplets, was born at 07:42 hours, with a space of a minute in between each delivery -at 07:43hrs and 07:44 -for the second and third respectively.

Speaking when she handed over hampers to the mother, Livingstone Mayor, CONSTANCE MULEABAI, encouraged the community to help the family raise the triplets.

Ms. MULEABAI, who has also given hampers to six other mothers, four at LUTH and one at Maramba Clinic, has thanked the health staff for facilitating safe deliveries of the New Year babies.

The Mayor has however advised two seventeen-year-old mothers to consider getting back to school.

Ms. MULEABAI says it is important that the two mothers go back to school to acquire education and knowledge that will enable them to take care of their children.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Livingstone residents last night swarmed public places to welcome the year 2023.

However, the excited multitudes had their celebrations under the watchful eyes of the Zambia Police Service officers, while drivers had their activities monitored by the Road Traffic and Safety Agency RTSA.

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