President EDGAR LUNGU is among congregants at the funeral church service of First Republican president KENNETH KAUNDA, which is underway at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

President LUNGU is accompanied by First Lady, ESTHER.

Several other dignitaries are in attendance, who include former Mozambiquan President JOACHIM CHISSANO and Fourth Republican president RUPIAH BANDA.

Dr. KAUNDA will later today be laid to rest at the Presidential burial site on Independence Avenue.

Dr KAUNDA’s burial follows a State Funeral held last Friday, which was attended by foreign dignitaries from across Africa.

The burial today will end a 21-day period of national mourning.

Dr KAUNDA died on June 17, 2021, aged 97.

He governed Zambia from 1964 to 1991 and was instrumental in the liberation of southern African countries.

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