Kabwe ~ Tue, 5 Jan 2021

By Brightwell Chabusha

The Kabwe Municipal Council today temporarily closed Shoprite, Zambeef and two other outlets for non-adherence to COVID-19 guidelines.

Kabwe Council assistant public relations manager Nancy Chenga has stated that the stores were only opened after putting in place COVID-19 preventative measures.

“Kabwe Municipal Council (KMC) has sent a stern warning to shop owners to strictly adhere to COVID-19 guidelines or face closure of their respective businesses. The warning comes after Shoprite, Kabwe Pharmacy, Termites Butchery and Zambeef among others were temporarily closed due to non-compliance of COVID-19 health guidelines,” Ms Chenga stated. “The stores did not obey social distancing directives, lacked hand washing or sanitizing facilities at their entrances and/or entertained improperly masked customers. The relevant personnel from the stores were summoned and given health education lessons, they were however not charged but given a stern warning. Shoprite and Zambeef were closed for close to 3 hours until after they adhered to the recommendations given by health officers.”

She stated that the Municipality, in partnership with the Kabwe District Health Office (KDHO), will continue to conduct random spot checks for compliance purposes.

“Those who will be found abrogating the laws under S I 21 and 22 of 2020 on COVID-19 will be penalized accordingly. The council would like to appeal to all shop owners and residents of Kabwe to ensure that they follow the COVID-19 guidelines.

Stay Safe and Mask Up,” Ms Chenga stated.

Zambia has today recorded 652 new COVID-19 cases and 14 deaths, the highest since the outbreak was recorded in the country in March, 2020.

News Source: ZambiaReports

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