IMF praises Govt for Transparency & fighting corruption

By Sharon Siame

The International Monetary Fund -IMF- has commended the Zambian Government for improving Transparency and fighting corruption.

IMF Deputy Director African Department, COSTA CHRISTOU says Zambia has made vital steps to help protect public resources for the benefit of citizens and create a better environment for investors.

Speaking during the second Zambia Economic Growth Forum which has opened in Lusaka today, Dr. CHRISTOU said going forward, it will be important to ensure effective implementation of reforms.

And International Growth Centre -IGC- Executive Director JONATHAN LEAPE said Zambia faces some challenges in the short term but that it is important not to lose sight of the long term goal of increasing growth as a key foundation for future prosperity.

Professor LEAPE said there is need to look at ways of how Zambia can increase productivity among individuals and businesses that can anchor the prosperity of the nation.

Meanwhile, Finance and National Planning Minister SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE stressed the importance of using data and evidence to inform policy.

Dr. MUSOKOTWANE said the Ministry of Finance has an ambition to establish an evidence based laboratory which is aimed at fortifying data driven decision making by fostering collaboration between Academia, Government and the private sector.

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