By Paul Shalala- A Chingola-based freedom fighter has advised opposition political parties to emulate KENNETH KAUNDA and practice issue-based politics ahead of this year’s general election.

MASELINO BWEMBYA, who served as the first indigenous Mayor before independence says politics must be civil and peaceful.

Mr. BWEMBYA, who was also appointed as First Governor of Mwinilunga and Assistant Minister for North Western Province by Dr. KAUNDA, says while fighting for independence in the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. KAUNDA practiced clean politics and did not antagonise the
olonialists, an attribute which the current opposition should emulate.

He says the best gift politicians will give Dr. KAUNDA is a peaceful election especially that his burial will take place a few weeks before the general election.

Mr. BWEMBYA says the opposition should be able to sit down and talk to the ruling party the way Dr. KAUNDA used to dialogue with the colonialists before independence.

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