HH Urges Lukutu voters to support UPND

ZANIS-President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has asked the people of Lukutu ward in Lubanseshi constituency of Luwingu district to vote for a UPND) candidate in Thursday’s ward by-election.

The President said voting for PETER CHANDA of the UPND will ensure delivery of development in the area as it would be easy for him to work with the government.

President HICHILEMA has also promised that his government will work on the road network from Palangoto to Mwine Menda as well as the bridge at Palangoto.

He said he is aware of the bad state of the bridge and the road network in the area but indicated that it would be worked on soon.

President HICHILEMA has further indicated his government’s commitment to delivering a health center and schools in the area.

President HICHILEMA said this when he addressed several residents of Malekani area in Luwingu today.

The President was in the area to drum up support for UPND candidate PETER CHANDA in the fourth coming Lukutu ward by election.

Meanwhile, the president said he has decided to go to the area to campaign for the UPND candidate in the ward by-election because he loves the people of Lukutu.

Earlier, Northern Province Minister LEONARD MBAO stated that the government has already released money to work on the school and the clinic in the area.

Mr. MBAO added that the government has already planned to complete the bridge at Palongoto which was neglected by the previous administration in the last ten years.

And UPND Provincial Chairperson, VICTOR SINKALA asked the government to work on the roads, schools and the bridge.

Mr. SINKALA indicated that the people in the area were neglected by the previous government.

AND President HICHILEMA has arrived back in Lusaka from a one day working visit to Northern Province.

President HICHILEMA, who was received at ZAF airport by service chiefs and senior Government officials, arrived around 19 hours.

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