Vice President W.K MUTALE NALUMANGO says President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA will move into State house as soon as it is renovated to the standard that is befitting.

Mrs. NALUMANGO says currently Government has no resources to work on State House and that this is WHY the President is living at his private residence.

She however says Government believes that the President needs to be in State House like every past President.

Mrs. NALUMANGO said this in Parliament during the Vice Presidents question time in response to a question from Shiwangàndu Member of Parliament STEPHEN KAMPYONGO who wanted to know when President HICHILEMA will move to State House.

And Mrs. NALUMANGO said Government has no funds to pay contractors or creditors but will do so as and when resources are available.

She was responding to a question raised by the Lunte Member of Parliament MUTOTWE KAFWAYA who wanted to find out why the UPND administration is failing to pay contractors and local creditors.

The Vice President said the Previous Government suspended some projects because of limited resources even before the UPND government assumed power.

Mrs. NALUMANGO also told the house that Government is working out a plan to pay the farmers who sold the extra 4-hundred thousand metric tonnes of grain to FRA.

She said this in response to a question asked by Kanchibuyu Member of Parliament, SUNDAY CHANDA.

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