By Ruth Chayinda

President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says he will work at addressing some glitches in the Africa Continental Free Trade agreement so that Zambia gets a good deal in line with the UPND pronouncements.

President HICHILEMA says trade agreements create opportunities for jobs, trade and businesses for citizens in individual countries.

Speaking shortly before leaving for South Africa where he is attending an Intra African Trade Fair, President HICHILEMA said it is his duty is to ensure Zambia enhances trade and investment so that there is creation of jobs and businesses for all citizens.

The President said he is committed to marketing the country and will use the opportunity to woo investments so as to better the lives of the Zambian people.

He further said there is need to grow the African Business in order for the continent to reduce poverty.

The Head of State said South Africa and Zambia’s economies are intertwined stating that South Africa is the largest trading partner of Zambia.

He said going to South Africa is due to an invitation by President CYRIL RAMAPHOSA for him to attend the Intra African Trade Fair.

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