Govt targets 1m farmers for FISP

MacPherson Mukuka-Government has targeted over 1 million Farmers to benefit from the farmer Input Support Programme -FISP- in the 2022 – 2023 farming season.

Ministry of Agriculture Permanent Secretary GREEN MBOZI says over 1 million farmers will receive the inputs ahead of the farming season.

And Mr. MBOZI says targeted beneficiaries should be a member of a registered farmer organization or cooperative and must have a registration certificate issued by the department of cooperatives or registrar of societies.

The Permanent Secretary has further noted that intended beneficiaries should be registered small scale farmers actively involved in farming with a camp coverage and cultivating not more than 5 hectares.

He says the beneficiaries must have the capacity to pay K400 as a contribution and must be Zambian and in possession of a green national registration card.

Mr. MBOZI has added that all intended beneficiaries should NOT be employees of the Government or any statutory institution.

Mr. MBOZI further says the criteria demands that the intended beneficiary should have an active phone and should NOT be benefiting from security pack.

He has however, indicated that farmers on Social Cash transfer, retirees and senior citizens are eligible to benefit under FISP.

This is contained in a statement issued to ZNBC News by Mr. MBOZI.

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