Government is engaging management at First Quantum Minerals – FQM- which runs Trident Mine over the compensation of the families that were displaced to pave way for mining activities in 2013.

Lands and Natural resources Minister ELIJAH MUCHIMA says government is engaging relevant authorities to ensure that the families that were resettled are fully compensated.

He says government wants communities that are found in green field mines to benefit from the mining activities and not feel left out by the investor.

Speaking when he met with Village headmen in Musele Chiefdom of Kalumbila District, Mr. MUCHIMA further revealed that government is not happy with the relationship between the mine and community within its operational area.

He said the mine and community should settle their differences adding that the current relationship between the mine and the community is hindering development in the area.

Meanwhile, Senior Headman MBAMBO said Trident Mine has failed to provide accommodation for the families that were relocated in 2013.

The traditional leader said the houses that the mine built for the residents are substandard and currently inhabitable.

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