By Hector Simfukwe:President Edgar Lungu says Government will extend the construction of Houses to teachers, nurses and other public service workers.President Lungu says currently government has prioritized houses for security personnel because they were the most neglected.The President says his government is determined to provide decent accommodation to men and women in uniform.The head of state said this when he commissioned Modern houses for the Zambia Correctional Service officers in Monze District.He said the government will ensure all the 12 thousand houses for security personnel are built across the country adding that the old houses which are in good state will be rehabilitated.President Lungu said government appreciates the services of men and women in Uniform hence the decision to motivate them through the construction of Houses and providing modern equipment.He said he is happy that several challenges facing men and women in uniform are slowly being addressed.Meanwhile President Lungu said government will continue providing agriculture equipment to security wings so that they contribute to the Country’s food security.He said the equipment should be used to the maximum and not abused.And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo said President Lungu has worked hard to change the face of Monze.He said government has built roads, houses and a modern milling plant in Monze.Speaking at the same event Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie said the construction of Houses for the officers has become a common feature in Zambia.Mr. Li said apart from houses, government is building a modern milling plant in Monze which when completed will help in stabilizing the prices of mealie meal.And Zambia Correctional Service Commissioner General Chisela Chileshe said President Lungu has brought dignity to the officers.He said the construction of Houses in Monze and other parts of Zambia has impressed the officers. Post Views: 6
News Source: ZNBC

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