By Brian Mwale:

Government has in the first five months of this year collected K43.1 bn in Revenues and Grants up from the 41 point 6 billion kwacha target for the same period.

Finance Minister SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE says tax revenue for the same period under review, January to May was K32.7 bn, Non-Tax 9 point 1 billion kwacha and 1 point 3 billion kwacha from grants.

Dr. MUSOKOTWANE says income tax for the same period was 20.7 billion kwacha against the K17.4 bN target.

He attributes the over performance to a high Company Tax collection on account of payments made by both mining and non-mining companies and positive performance under Pay As You Earn due to increased remittance compliance.

The Minister said this in a statement to ZNBC News in Lusaka.

Dr. MUSOKOTWANE said government will continue to work tirelessly towards returning the country to a state of fiscal stability that will facilitate sustainable growth.

The Minister has since encouraged citizens to engage line Ministries, Provinces and other Public Sector Agencies – on developmental affairs driven by the Public Sector, Development Partners and other Stakeholders, in their locations.


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