… Zambia Takes a Bold Step Toward Ending Child Marriage Through New Legislation and Dialogue to Protect and Empower Young Girls

By Jean Serge Mandela!

Lusaka, Zambia24 -(14-06-2024) – Gilbert Phiri, Director for Public Protection (DPP), emphasized the importance of ongoing dialogue to raise awareness about the minimum age of marriage in Zambia, highlighting its crucial role in combating child marriage. This dialogue comes on the heels of the landmark Marriage Amendment Act No. 13 of 2023, which has received local and international acclaim.

Phiri told journalists when he officiated Dialogue on the Joint Action to Create Awareness of the Minimum Age of Marriage in Zambia that 29% of Zambian women aged 20-24 were married before 18, and 5% before 15, underscoring the urgency of addressing child marriage.

The Children’s Code Act No. 12 of 2022 criminalized child marriages, and the Marriage (Amendment) Act No. 13 of 2023 further strengthened the prohibition, nullifying section 33 of the Marriage Act, which allowed children as young as 15 to marry.

The amendment established a consistent age limit for marriage, rectifying inconsistencies between customary and statutory laws.

Phiri emphasized the importance of uniformity for effective enforcement and protection of children’s rights.

The new amendment criminalizes practices previously permitted under customary law, empowering the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) and law enforcement agencies to prosecute offenders robustly.

Phiri stressed the need for cooperation and coordination among various sectors, including stakeholders and communities, to ensure comprehensive implementation of the legislation.

He said awareness campaigns and open dialogue are vital to fostering a multi-sectoral approach.

He called on all stakeholders to engage in these discussions, emphasizing the shared responsibility to protect the rights and well-being of young girls.

The ultimate vision is to create a future where child marriage is eradicated, paving the way for a safer and more equitable society for all children in Zambia.

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